Shawnee Woods Farm
“I strictly feed a forage based diet to my ponies and Thanks to Medalist Premium Feed Pellets I was able to switch from soaking regular hay pellets to feeding these fall apart in your mouth hay pellets dry! My mare and pony make a MESS with soaked feeds and when my brand new barn (featured in these photos) was being built my first thought was how will I deal with this mess in my new barn on the new wood?? BUT that’s not it my ponies constantly had choking episodes on the regular hay pellets dry and if not soaked for 8 hours long. It was getting to be frustrating especially with hot days or freezing temps, soaking feed was not so easy!"
"I was so thrilled to find Medalist Horse Feed and my ponies can say the same they LOVE this feed and I don’t recall one choke episode because no matter how big or how small these pellets are they dissolve the minute it hits the horses palate."
-- Shawnee Woods Farm

Shawnee | Thanks for sharing your story!