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Medalist feed options

Also available at these online retailers:

Sprout pellets

Barley sprouts + Alfalfa + 3-way hay

Our exclusive feed using compressed barley sprouts giving your animal slow release, cool energy without the need for adding additional supplements. It's a complete feed that your animals will go nuts over!

Alfalfa pellets

100% Pesticide-free alfalfa.

Farmed in the nutrient-rich soil of Delta Utah, our sprout pellets blend the whole plant, so none of the plant is wasted and your animals get the most nutrition. Save waste and make life easier with medalist alfalfa pellets.

mini versus regular sprout size comparison

Traditional vs MINI pellets

Our traditional pellets are 1/2" wide and approximately 1.5" long, making them a better choice than lame old cubes. They are choke-free and do not require soaking, making them an excellent replacement for feed or a great supplement for your horse's (or any animal's) diet.

On the other hand, mini pellets are only 3/16" wide, making them significantly smaller and ideal for smaller animals or larger ones that require smaller pellets. Despite their size, they contain all the same ingredients as the larger pellets, just in a more compact form.

Same as traditional feed—in easy to use pellets

Check out our price comparison

Ready to make the switch to pellets? We’ve got you covered! Discover the perfect feed quantity and option that works best for you. Got questions? We’re just a call or click away!

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How much should I feed my horse?

1% to 2% of your horse's body weight per day (10-20 lbs a day for a 1000 lb horse)
You should feed your horse about 15 pounds per day
One super sack should last 100 days